====== Короткая книжка по Vue ====== ===== Жизненный цикл Vue приложения ===== {{:works:programmer:js:vue-lifecycle.png?400|}} ===== Занимался фигнёй при переходе с v2 на v3 =====

Program main

Test text and component



Name: Guest

function TestFiter(vue, options) { vue.config.globalProperties.$filters = vue.config.globalProperties.$filters || {}; vue.config.globalProperties.$filters.capitalize = function(value) { if (!value) return ''; value = value.toString(); return value.charAt(0).toUpperCase() + value.slice(1); } } function TestDirective(vue, options) { vue.directive('example', { // called before bound element's attributes or event listeners are applied created(el, binding, vnode, prevVnode) { //console.log(el, binding, vnode, prevVnode); el.setAttribute('disabled', 'disabled'); }, // called right before the element is inserted into the DOM. beforeMount() {}, // called when the bound element's parent component and all its children are mounted. mounted() {}, // called before the parent component is updated beforeUpdate() {}, // called after the parent component and all of its children have updated updated() {}, // called before the parent component is unmounted beforeUnmount() {}, // called when the parent component is unmounted unmounted() {} }); } function ButonCounter(vue, options) { vue.component('button-counter', { props: { onClick: { type: Function, default() {} } }, data() { return { clicks: 0, } }, template: ``, methods: { onButttonClick($event) { this.clicks += 1; this.$emit('onClick', this.clicks); } }, }); } const App = { data() { return { name: "Test", } }, computed: { theState() { return this.$store.state; }, nameDyn() { return this.$filters.capitalize(this.$store?.state?.user?.login || "Гость"); } } }; const GET_USER = "act384"; const store = Vuex.createStore({ state: () => ({ count: 1, user: null }), mutations: { increment (state) { state.count++ }, user(state, user) { state.user = user } }, actions: { increment (context) { context.commit('increment') }, [GET_USER](context, {login}) { fetch(`https://api.github.com/users/${login}`) .then(response => response.json()) .then(response => { context.commit('user', response); }) .catch(err => { context.commit('user', null); }) }, } }); async function main() { const inst = Vue.createApp(App); inst.use(store); inst.use(ButonCounter); inst.use(TestDirective); inst.use(TestFiter); inst.mount(".container"); } main().catch(console.error); CDNS * https://cdnjs.cloudflare.com/ajax/libs/vue/3.2.37/vue.global.prod.min.js * https://cdnjs.cloudflare.com/ajax/libs/vuex/4.0.2/vuex.global.prod.min.js